Pndle Bear

Common Pndle
Pronounciation & Other
Nick Names

Pin-dull, Pan-dull, Pun-dull, Pen-dull, Pamba, Bear

All pronounciations are accepted!

Pndle Lore

Native from a similarly built planet known as Oiatu (oh-ay-too) full of shapshifters made of the same substances.

Other Shapeshifters from this planet are typically one or the other substance, not typically made of both substances, making Pndle an outsider.

Pndle is composed of both substances due to her father's goo decent and her mother's gas decent, usually the two decents do not mix.

Apart of a collectivist society, individualism or any stray from the norm is unacceptable.

Pndle was exiled for [REDACTED]. Resulting in her crash landing on Earth, in specifically Japan, Pndle discovered BEARS!

There are no animals or plants on Oiatu. Which is why Pndle was so excited to dive into Japan culture, such as cherry blossoms, kimonos, and other new things her planet did not have.

In order to blend in, Pndle took on the form of a woman and began exploring streaming.

Fascinated by bears and after travelling more, she discovered her love for Pandas specifcally, but all bears in general. So she gave herself panda ears and a tail and disguised herself as a panda..

Pndle Reference Sheets

"Completely normal Shapeshifter who streams completely normal games."

"Completely normal Panda who plays completely normal games."